Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education (ICADCE 2022)

Research on the Construction of Calligraphy and Painting Market and the Development of Shaanxi Cultural Industry
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Chinese calligraphy and painting art mainly includes two forms of calligraphy and painting, of which calligraphy has strong national characteristics and is a traditional art form [1]. From the birth of Chinese characters to the present, calligraphy has been innovated and smelted by famous calligraphers of the past dynasties, resulting in many calligraphy artworks. Chinese painting art is also a traditional art form with a long history of development, which can show the Chinese people's superb artistic creation ability and noble aesthetic interest. The construction and development of the calligraphy and painting market is directly related to the inheritance of calligraphy and painting artworks. In the contemporary era, calligraphy and painting artworks with profound cultural accumulation are gradually forgotten by people; the calligraphy and painting market is sometimes chaotic; there are many fakes; there is a lack of supervision; young and middle-aged calligraphy and painting artists lack living space... These are urgent problems to be solved. In the construction of the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market, it is necessary to clarify the advantages and disadvantages of the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market, follow the construction principles of the calligraphy and painting market, start from the aspects of calligraphy and painting artists, laws and regulations, social supervision, consumer rights protection, etc., open up all links, develop more high-quality calligraphy and painting artworks, comprehensively promote the sound development of the calligraphy and painting market, and promote cultural inheritance and dissemination.


2.1. Analysis of the Advantages of Shaanxi Calligraphy and Painting Market

Calligraphy and painting are important forms of Chinese culture and art and Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market has a relatively high development advantage [2]. First of all, Shaanxi has calligraphy and painting art masters represented by the “Chang'an School of Painting”, such as Zhao Wangyun, Fang Jizhong, Shi Lu, He Haixia, Kang Shiyao, etc., all of whom are all representative artists of the “Chang'an School of Painting”. In addition, there are other artists with distinct personalities, such as Wang Xijing, Zhao Zhenchuan, Yang Xiaoyang, etc., whose works have strong Shaanxi characteristics. In terms of calligraphy, Shaanxi has calligraphers such as Yu Youren and Wang Younong, of which Yu Youren once created the “standard cursive script”, with a strong influence. In terms of calligraphy and painting resources, Shaanxi's calligraphy and painting artwork resources are relatively rich. From the perspective of calligraphy alone, one can collect inscriptions on ancient bronze objects, seal script, official script, regular script, etc. In addition, in the history of Shaanxi, there have been calligraphy and painting masters such as Liu Gongquan and Yan Liben, as well as the forest of steles integrating the calligraphy art of famous masters of the past dynasties, all of whom have laid a solid foundation for the calligraphy and painting market in Shaanxi. In the context of the new era, Xi'an has Chinese first-class scientific research institutes, and most colleges and universities have art undergraduate majors. These first-class colleges and universities can cultivate professional artistic talents for the development of Shaanxi's calligraphy and painting market and further promote the development of the calligraphy and painting art market. In recent years, the number of creators and consumers of calligraphy and painting art has been increasing and people are paying more and more attention to the economic value and cultural value of calligraphy and painting artworks. Art auctions are extremely hot and the calligraphy and painting market is very prosperous.

2.2. Existing Problems in Shaanxi Calligraphy and Painting Market

As the calligraphy and painting market develops in Shaanxi, all kinds of fake calligraphy and painting have appeared in the market [3]. These fakes have no collection value and will also disrupt the calligraphy and painting artwork market and seriously affect the market order. At present, some calligraphy and painting art practitioners copy the works of masters, and illegal businessmen collect these works and sell them as genuine products in the calligraphy and painting market, deceiving consumers and causing consumers to lose confidence in the calligraphy and painting market. At present, China fails to have a special law on anti-counterfeiting of artworks. Even if consumers buy fakes, it is difficult to punish illegal businessmen or counterfeiters. Moreover, calligraphy and painting artistic works lack scientific and effective identification technology and identification methods. In the art market, there are industry rules such as admitting defeat for bet and taking sole responsibility for genuine and sham, as well as jargon such as “making use of the loophole”. All of these can reflect the current chaos in the calligraphy and painting artwork market. For calligraphy and painting artwork auctions, many auctions lack supervision and management. There are doubts about the information and authenticity of artistic works at auctions held by some small companies, which is from lack of the supervision of relevant departments. Neither the Auction Law nor the Anti-Money Laundering Law imposes legal constraints on such block trade, so it is difficult for relevant departments to investigate and collect evidence on such issues. In terms of the value of calligraphy and painting artworks, the artistic value of calligraphy and painting artworks is usually affected by the price, which eventually leads to market distortion. Under the forward sequence, the artist's values and cultural outlook are the soul of artistic value. The artistic value of a work directly determines its economic value. After capital operation, the economic value of artistic works will be transformed into market value. However, in the current Chinese calligraphy and painting artwork, the market value has seriously affected the values of calligraphy and painting artists, which in turn affects the artistic value of the works. For example, the market will stereotype an artist. Influenced by market value, many calligraphy and painting artists specialize in creating artworks that sell well and hype for higher profits. Under this circumstance, many “artists in name only” and “rogue artists” appear in the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market. Calligraphy and painting artists are widespread and good calligraphy and painting artworks are very rare.


3.1. Following the Principle That Artistic Value Determines Economic Value

In the construction process of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market, the fundamental principle that artistic value determines economic value should be followed to promote the sound development of the calligraphy and painting market and to improve its development status [4]. Based on the principle that artistic value determines economic value, the higher the artistic value of calligraphy and painting works, the higher the market price. In addition, market factors and personal factors also affect the economic value of artworks. For the construction of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market, there are still many deficiencies in the operation and management of the modern calligraphy and painting art market and the development of the entire calligraphy and painting art market is still in its infancy. In recent years, many social capitals entered the artwork market, bringing more development possibilities to the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market. Opportunities and challenges coexist. Only when people attach great importance to the artistic value of calligraphy and painting artworks and follow the principle that artistic value determines economic value, can a climate of using artistic value to evaluate economic value of artworks be formed in the calligraphy and painting market, can calligraphy and painting art achieve long-term development, and can the chaos in the calligraphy and painting market be resolved.

3.2. Clarifying the Relationship Between Economic Value and Artistic Value

In the construction of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market, a healthy calligraphy and painting art market needs a perfect management system and a good development order. Only by clarifying the relationship between economic value and artistic value can it be possible to provide assistance for the development of the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market. For calligraphy and painting artworks, the price will be affected by many factors, including the most original selling price of the artwork, the integrity and rarity of the work, the artist's popularity and currency fluctuations. Essentially, the value of an artwork is reflected in its price. But it is unscientific to measure the artistic value of works only by price. The price of artworks is affected by many factors, but the artistic value often has a certain historical status.


4.1. Shaanxi the Birthplace of Culture

Shaanxi is the birthplace of Chinese national culture, with strong cultural capital, profound historical and cultural accumulation and rich resources of painting and calligraphy artworks, many of which have high historical and cultural value. At present, the Shaanxi History Museum still preserves the frescoes of the Tang tombs and the Xi'an Beilin Museum collects a large number of ancient Chinese steles, including a large number of famous steles. Therefore, Shaanxi is rich in cultural heritage of calligraphy and painting, and creative derivatives of calligraphy and painting develop rapidly, which can promote inheritance and development of culture. The construction of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market has sufficient conditions. In the whole Shaanxi cultural industry, the trading volume of calligraphy and painting artworks occupies a relatively high proportion, which fully demonstrates the construction foundation of the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market. In the current construction process of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market, it is necessary to attach great importance to the original cultural resources and calligraphy and painting artwork resources in Shaanxi, give full play to the value of cultural resources, integrate the cultural development law of the new era in the construction of the calligraphy and painting market, meet the needs of more painting and calligraphy lovers and provide a broader development space for young and middle-aged artists. In order to further improve the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market and promote its long-term development, it is necessary to deeply excavate the inherent cultural value of calligraphy and painting artworks, promote the development of the entire Shaanxi cultural industry through calligraphy and painting artworks, and improve the soft power of Shaanxi culture.

4.2. Shaanxi Rich in Educational Resources

Talent is the foundation for the construction of the calligraphy and painting market. Only by attaching great importance to the cultivation of talents, paying attention to the compatibility of talents with the development of the calligraphy and painting and cultural industry, and giving full play to the power of talents, can it be possible to promote the long-term development of the calligraphy and painting market and the cultural industry, and strengthen the coordination between the calligraphy and painting market and the cultural industry. Shaanxi has rich educational resources, and most colleges and universities have set up art undergraduate majors. For example, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts has a reputation as one of the eight major academies of fine arts in China. These colleges and universities can provide a talent foundation for the construction of the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting art market. In recent years, Shaanxi colleges and universities have further increased their emphasis on calligraphy and painting talents and professionals related to the cultural industry, formed a mutual assistance mechanism combining industry, university and research, enhanced cooperation with related enterprises, and achieved good education and training results, which can provide a steady stream of power for the construction of the calligraphy and painting market. In the future development, Shaanxi can give full play to its advantages in educational resources, encourage colleges and universities to cultivate talents related to the cultural industry in advance, assist colleges and universities to create a “calligraphy and painting art derivative design experimental area” in education and teaching, strengthen exchanges and cooperation between universities and local cultural industry parks, promote formation of teaching alliances, guide universities and advanced cultural enterprises to jointly form teaching teams, closely integrate teaching and research and development, and design more innovative products related to the cultural industry, in order to promote the long-term development of Shaanxi's calligraphy and painting art and its creative products and accelerate the construction of Shaanxi's calligraphy and painting market.

4.3. Art Law Enforcement Needs to Be Effectively Established

During the construction process of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting art market, the relevant departments need to attach great importance to the establishment of art law enforcement [5], establish and improve the legal norms of the calligraphy and painting market, promote the healthy development of the art market, and make consumers full of confidence in the calligraphy and painting market. Only in this way can it be possible to promote the continuous progress of Shaanxi's cultural industry. In recent years, art law enforcement has gained the attention of relevant departments, relevant laws and regulations are constantly being improved, and the development of calligraphy and painting art has a stable foundation. All of these are the conditions for the construction of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market.


5.1. Construction Background Explanation

Against the background of the rapid development of information technology, new media has achieved vigorous development, showing unique development advantages, which can lay a solid foundation for the construction of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market, comprehensively improve the contemporary and innovative nature of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market construction, and create a new modality of calligraphy and painting market. New media integrates digital technology, network technology, and mobile technology, realizes information transfer based on wireless communication network, Internet, satellite and other channels, can transmit information to the public through terminals such as computers, mobile phones, and digital televisions, and can provide users with entertainment services and information services [6]. At present, new media dominated by mobile phones and other mobile media has become an indispensable part of the daily life of the public, and new media is an important way of current media communication. In 2020, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, China's live broadcast popularity rate has been further improved and nearly trillion markets of live broadcast e-commerce industry have been activated. As of June 2020, the number of e-commerce live broadcast users in China has reached 309 million, which has promoted the transformation of traditional industries and driven the development of industries such as beauty makeup, home furnishing, food, and clothing. Comparatively speaking, the development of Shaanxi's calligraphy and painting cultural market is relatively weak, and the living conditions of many young and middle-aged artists are worrying. The cultural foundation has been influenced by the times and the profound cultural accumulation and rich cultural resources are dark in the new media era. It is necessary to accelerate the improvement of market construction, bring the works of young and middle-aged calligraphy and painting artists to the market, actively explore effective ways to develop cultural resources, and promote the development of Shaanxi's cultural market.

5.2. Playing the Role of Government

In the process of building the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market, the government needs to give full play to its own functions, establish an official market with state-owned background, strengthen the coordination and supervision of the calligraphy and painting market, intensify efforts to rectify the chaos in the calligraphy and painting market, create a good market atmosphere, improve consumers' confidence in the calligraphy and painting market, and promote the long-term development of the calligraphy and painting market [7]. In the long development process of the calligraphy and painting market, the calligraphy and painting trade has always been free, unconstrained and unregulated. Nowadays, people are highly pursuing economic interests in the calligraphy and painting market and the calligraphy and painting market transaction has evolved into a pure pursuit of interest. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between artistic pursuit and market development. In response to this market development situation, government departments need to establish sound artwork market norms, break the traditional development thinking of the calligraphy and painting market, aim at developing the artwork market and excavating the artistic value of the artwork itself, and create an official calligraphy and painting market with a state-owned background, in order to better coordinate the contradiction between market requirements and artistic pursuit of calligraphy and painting works. In addition, government departments should also implement an open and free filing system for calligraphy and painting artists and use advanced technical means to put on records for calligraphy and painting artists, essentially solving the problem of counterfeiting in the current calligraphy and painting market, help artists to publicize and promote, and at the same time standardize tax management and make the calligraphy and painting market more transparent. In terms of the management of the calligraphy and painting market, the government needs to supervise and manage the existing art market, build a professional calligraphy and painting management team, stabilize the business order of the calligraphy and painting market, and let calligraphy and painting artists put more energy on the creation of artworks, create more high-quality artworks, and realize a virtuous circle of artwork market.

5.3. Making Use of Social Platforms

The construction of the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market needs to make full use of social group platforms, improve the openness and standardization of the market through social group platforms, create artwork service evaluation platforms, crack down on counterfeit goods in the art field and intervene in the judicial field, in order to comprehensively solve the current counterfeiting problem in the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market and create a good market environment for calligraphy and painting. At present, there is the China Artists Association and the construction of the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market can fully rely on the China Artists Association to allow more art lovers to join this group, and then guide the China Artists Association to open up to the society and the media, and strengthen the role of social supervision and media supervision. In the evaluation of calligraphy and painting artworks, Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market can build a standardized artwork evaluation platform during the construction process and implement a fair and just evaluation of artworks through the evaluation platform. The artwork service evaluation platform needs to be normal, permanent, fair and just. Fixed staff need to carry out the evaluation of calligraphy and painting artworks at a fixed time and place according to the relevant evaluation principles, and connect with the society and the media at the same time, to make the evaluation process more open, form a transparent evaluation model, and comprehensively optimize the development of the Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market. Social group platforms can provide effective support for cracking down on counterfeit goods of calligraphy and painting artworks. The staff on the platform have strong knowledge of calligraphy and painting artwork identification and high professional ability, and can provide identification services for consumers, thereby indirectly maintaining market order.

5.4. Strengthening Media Publicity

The construction of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market requires not only the supervision of the government, the supervision of law enforcement departments, the participation of social groups, but also the support of the whole society. Only when the majority of consumers fully realize the necessity of the construction of the calligraphy and painting market, pursue the artistic value of calligraphy and painting artworks, strengthen the identification in the calligraphy and painting market, and play a supervisory role, can the entire calligraphy and painting market achieve sound development [8]. In order to achieve this goal, the construction of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market needs to rely on modern media, use new media to carry out publicity, innovate the development pattern of the calligraphy and painting market, and open up new ideas for the construction of the calligraphy and painting market. Through media publicity, the vitality of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market can be activated, consumers can comprehensively improve their awareness of rights protection, and people will pay more attention to the cultural connotation of calligraphy and painting artworks, pursue their cultural value, and ultimately promote the creation of young and middle-aged artists, forming a good development pattern for calligraphy and painting market. For example, in calligraphy and painting exhibitions, the media can give full play to their own advantages, publicize the displayed calligraphy and painting artworks, and let more people visit and appreciate calligraphy and painting works through online channels. In the early stage of the art exhibition, the organizer needs to make preparations based on the exhibition theme of the calligraphy and painting artworks, clarify the time and place of the calligraphy and painting exhibition to carry out targeted publicity activities, use the website, WeChat Official Account, online live broadcast, Weibo and other platforms to publish relevant information, and write press releases, in order to let more people know about the art exhibition of calligraphy and painting and arouse the attention of more lovers of calligraphy and painting. During the exhibition, the media can take pictures of the exhibits and paintings and calligraphy in the exhibition hall, conduct interviews with the artists and curators, and make promotional videos of the exhibited works, in order to give full play to the publicity role of the media.


6.1. Complementary Relationship

There is a complementary relationship between the calligraphy and painting market and the development of Shaanxi's cultural industry. A healthy and stable calligraphy and painting market can lay a solid foundation for the development of Shaanxi's cultural industry, and the development of Shaanxi's cultural industry can assist the construction of the calligraphy and painting market. At present, Shaanxi calligraphy and painting artworks occupy a relatively high proportion of the total cultural industry, and painting and calligraphy artworks occupy a mainstream position in art auctions, which fully reflects the leading role of Shaanxi calligraphy and painting artworks on the development of the cultural industry. In addition, the calligraphy and painting market contains a wealth of calligraphy and painting artworks. These precious artworks have strong cultural connotations and strong regional characteristics, which can show the history and culture of Shaanxi and highlight the humanistic feelings of Shaanxi. By building a good calligraphy and painting market and strengthening the construction of the calligraphy and painting market, Shaanxi's cultural industry can have a clearer development direction, development speed of the cultural industry can be faster, and development quality can be higher.

In the context of the new era, the development of Shaanxi's cultural industry can rely on construction of “the Belt and Road”, comprehensively innovate development ideas, break through the traditional model of Shaanxi's cultural industry development, create cultural products and cultural brands with core competitiveness, strengthen the integration of culture with international business and tourism industries, and build an all-round, multi-level and wide-ranging cultural exchange pattern. Based on the more open development trend of Shaanxi's cultural industry, Shaanxi calligraphy and painting market can have a better development environment and development platform, the past development problems can be solved, and the competitiveness, attractiveness, innovation and development vitality of the calligraphy and painting market can be fully activated.

6.2. Building a New Cultural Format

At present, the calligraphy and painting market and Shaanxi cultural industry have formed a good development model of common development and mutual promotion. The development of Shaanxi's cultural industry presents a new format. In the future development of Shaanxi's cultural industry, the calligraphy and painting market can be closely integrated with Shaanxi's cultural industry, providing more assistance for the development of the cultural industry, promoting the economic development of the region, and rejuvenating the calligraphy and painting market. The effective integration of the cultural industry and the development of the calligraphy and painting market can penetrate the cultural concept into the calligraphy and painting market, so that the design, production and development of the calligraphy and painting market can be effectively combined with the cultural concept, thereby improving the cultural content and cultural taste of the calligraphy and painting market and forming an industrial value chain in the new era. For example, the calligraphy and painting market can be integrated with Shaanxi's cultural tourism industry, dig deep into the historical and cultural resources of Shaanxi, highlight the value of Shaanxi's history and culture, create cultural brands with distinctive characteristics such as Silk Road culture and red culture, give full play to the leading role of cultural industry projects, and closely integrate cultural program interpretation, tourist attraction development, beautiful rural construction, calligraphy and painting market, and suburban leisure tourism, in order to let Chinese and foreign tourists better appreciate the tourism resources of Shaanxi, infiltrate the culture of Shaanxi, and have a good memory of Shaanxi.

By integrating the calligraphy and painting market with Shaanxi's cultural industry, the development of Shaanxi's cultural industry can form a new development pattern, and calligraphy and painting artworks can be integrated with the printing industry, film and television industry, food packaging cultural industry, and clothing industry, fully highlighting the value of calligraphy and painting artworks, and at the same time opening up new ideas for the development of Shaanxi's cultural industry and improving the openness of the development of Shaanxi's cultural industry. In the future development of Shaanxi's cultural industry, Internet technology can fully play a role, manufacturing enterprises can cooperate with cultural creativity and design enterprises, use the method of equity-based alliance to establish an industrial chain, take the industrial park as the carrier, create a new development pattern, fully highlight the advantages of innovation and entrepreneurship, and use the project to drive the development of the cultural industry.


7.1. Creative Products of Calligraphy and Painting Can Promote the Art of Calligraphy and Painting

The art of calligraphy and painting is a traditional art, which has experienced a very long period of development and contains rich cultural values and aesthetic concepts. Many young people don't know enough about calligraphy and painting and are not interested in traditional calligraphy and painting. Through the development of creative products of calligraphy and painting, the art of calligraphy and painting can be widely publicized and more young people can enhance their understanding of the art of calligraphy and painting, thereby promoting the long-term development of the art of calligraphy and painting. Creative products of calligraphy and painting are usually closely related to real life. For example, Taipei's National Palace Museum once launched creative derivatives of calligraphy, which combined calligraphy and paper self-adhesive tape to form creative daily necessities, causing a huge sensation in the market, and many consumers rushed to buy them. This is an example of cultural creative products. In addition, the creative products of calligraphy and painting can also be integrated with drinking cups, tea sets and stationery, so that more people understand the art of calligraphy and painting, integrate the art of calligraphy and painting with modern life, and expand the market of calligraphy and painting art.

7.2. Creative Products of Calligraphy and Painting Can Improve the Artistic Value of Cultural Goods

The creative products of calligraphy and painting can promote the development of the cultural industry. By developing novel, interesting and creative calligraphy and painting products, cultural goods can demonstrate richer artistic value. For example, the art of calligraphy and painting can be combined with moon cakes. Using modern printing technology to print calligraphy and paintings on the surface of moon cakes can effectively improve the artistic value of cultural goods. Engraving the art of calligraphy and painting on cosmetics such as puff cakes and lipsticks can enhance the cultural value of these products, give these products both cultural value and practical value, and meet the needs of more consumers. In the design and production of creative calligraphy and painting products in the future, designers need to strengthen the artistry of cultural and creative products, and at the same time improve the practicability of cultural and creative products, so that these products can visually bring aesthetic feelings to people and expand the market of cultural and creative products.

7.3. Creative Products of Calligraphy and Painting Can Improve the Public's Cultural Aesthetic Taste

The creative products of calligraphy and painting can integrate the art of calligraphy and painting with modern products and integrate the artistic atmosphere, aesthetic concepts and values of calligraphy and painting into the products, and finally pass them to consumers, in order to improve the cultural aesthetic taste of the public, let people accept high-quality artworks in their daily lives, strengthen the experience and perception of artworks, and enjoy an artistic life. Calligraphy and painting art products can penetrate into all aspects of people's lives. Art should step down from the altar, narrow the distance between ordinary people and art, give full play to the cultural value of art, let art influence people's attitude towards life and promote the long-term development of popular culture through conveying cultural concepts and publicizing aesthetic connotations.


In the context of the new era, the importance of cultural industry development is self-evident. The construction of the calligraphy and painting market is closely related to the development of the cultural industry and the two complement and promote each other. By promoting the construction of the calligraphy and painting market and strengthening the supervision and management of the calligraphy and painting market, the development of the cultural industry can have more opportunities, and at the same time, the development of the cultural industry can also lay a solid foundation for the calligraphy and painting market. Shaanxi is an important cultural birthplace in China. It has strong cultural accumulation and rich resources of calligraphy and painting artworks. The construction of the calligraphy and painting market there has many advantages. However, the current construction of the calligraphy and painting market in Shaanxi still has problems such as insufficient supervision, imperfect laws, and limited development space for young and middle-aged artists. The construction of the calligraphy and painting market has encountered a bottleneck. In response to this situation, government departments need to strengthen the supervision and management of the calligraphy and painting market, build a standardized calligraphy and painting market, strengthen the integration of the calligraphy and painting market with the cultural industry in the region, and promote coordinated development of the calligraphy and painting market and cultural industry.


2021 General Special Scientific Research Plan of Education Department of Shaanxi, project number: 21JK0170.


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AU  - Chaohua Deng
PY  - 2022
DA  - 2022/11/21
TI  - Research on the Construction of Calligraphy and Painting Market and the Development of Shaanxi Cultural Industry
BT  - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education (ICADCE 2022)
PB  - Athena Publishing
SP  - 157
EP  - 164
SN  - 2949-8937
UR  -
DO  -
ID  - Deng2022
ER  -